
Welcome to NMPIP, the NM F.A.I.R. Plan


Our new address is:

7601 Jefferson St. NE, Ste. 380

Albuquerque, NM 87109



If your property suffers damage due to inclement weather; please take the necessary steps to protect your property from further damage until a claim is filed and an inspection is performed.


The New Mexico Property Insurance Program, (hereafter referred to as "the Program")  is the underwriting association for the New Mexico  F.A.I.R. Plan (Fair Access to Insurance Requirements).  The New Mexico FAIR Plan Act which is contained in Article 29 the New Mexico Insurance Code was enacted by the legislature to provide essential property Insurance to responsible and qualified applicants in the State of New Mexico who are unable to secure such insurance in the normal market.  Under the FAIR Plan Act, all insurers licensed to write and writing essential property insurance are required to become and remain a member of the New Mexico FAIR Plan and the Program and subscribe to the articles of agreement on file in the superintendent’s office.  The New Mexico FAIR Plan and Program are subject to approval and regulation by the Superintendent of Insurance.

The Program is a not-for-profit association writing property insurance business in the State of New Mexico.  The Program is not authorized to appoint agents.  The applicant may apply directly to the program for coverage or may choose to use a representative or an insurance agent to act on the applicant’s behalf.

We only write property insurance for dwellings and commercial property.  We issue all policies in our office on our own NMPIP paper.  All applications are underwritten by our own employee’s. We use a TPA to manage claims utilizing independent adjusters throughout the state of New Mexico.

What We Do

We are a property market of last resort  The New Mexico FAIR Plan operates like a small insurance company underwriting our applications, issuing our policies, and adjusting our claims.


The Plan was established under Chapter 238 and approved on April 3, 1969 by the New Mexico Legislature.  The last law was changed and approved under Chapter 59A, the Insurance Code, effective April 1, 1985 as 59A-29-1 to 59A-29-11.

Contact Us

7601 Jefferson St. NE, Ste. 380
Albuquerque, NM 87109

Phone: (505) 878-9563
Fax: (505) 878-9566

For policy information please contact the following based on the first letter of the last name on the policy.

Underwriting A-L
Sandra Cabrera

Underwriting M - Z
Maribel Castillo

Stephen Klein

Melinda Pacheco

Executive Director
Analisa Sisneros